Relationship Rx

A True Story of Hot Romance, Rejection & Divine Love in Bali

A True Story of Hot Romance, Rejection & Divine Love in Bali

TLDR: Met hot guy with intimacy issues, got rejected & got smarter, awakened my Inner Beloved to recognize what TRUE LOVE feels like, so I could find the partnership I always desired (but didn't believe was possible)- plus an invite for you at the end 

But the full story is much, much better 😘 Be warned, this is not your regular Hallmark Valentine's script.

Boundaries. Domain. Limits. What is the difference? And why is it important?

Boundaries. Domain. Limits. What is the difference? And why is it important?

HOW to set and maintain healthy boundaries? People who have clear boundaries and limits - who respect their own inner domain are the most compassionate, loving and generous people around! A lot of pain results when we put other people in charge of respecting and upholding our personal boundaries. We lose internal peace. We lose self-respect & self trust. We lose safety & enjoyment in our relationships.

Why Focusing on 0rgasm as a Goal Causes Bad S3x

Why Focusing on 0rgasm as a Goal Causes Bad S3x

Why we need to understand the difference between pleasure, orgasm and climax
Three False Assumptions that lead to BAD S3X
The MOST common False Ideas & Truth Bombs about about foreplay
How men struggle with s3xual expectation & pressure too
AND what to do instead! Read on…

Ask Harmony ~ "How Do I Make a Great Relationship?"

Ask Harmony ~ "How Do I Make a Great Relationship?"

“Dear Harmony, What do you do on a consistent basis with your partner to build intimacy and communication? I would love to hear your best go-to tips, tools and practices. Thank you!” ~Suffering in Love

How does one “do” a great relationship? What I have learned is it really is pretty simple❤️These are the core concepts that empower my clients to transform their intimate life…