"Ask Harmony"

Ask Harmony ~ "How Do I Make a Great Relationship?"

Ask Harmony ~ "How Do I Make a Great Relationship?"

“Dear Harmony, What do you do on a consistent basis with your partner to build intimacy and communication? I would love to hear your best go-to tips, tools and practices. Thank you!” ~Suffering in Love

How does one “do” a great relationship? What I have learned is it really is pretty simple❤️These are the core concepts that empower my clients to transform their intimate life…

Ask Harmony ~ "Why Am I Dreaming of my Former Partner?"

Ask Harmony ~ "Why Am I Dreaming of my Former Partner?"

“Dear Harmony, Why am I thinking about and dreaming of my former partner when I am in quarantine?”
Dear Dreaming, it is really quite normal to have dreams about former partners, but let’s get curious and go deeper about what may be going on for you! Dreams are often a place where we “work out” fears, desires, beliefs, current challenges and digest them…

Ask Harmony ~ "How can I stop believing that sex is dirty and shameful?"

Ask Harmony ~ "How can I stop believing that sex is dirty and shameful?"

The latest Ask Harmony question...

“Dear Harmony, my family taught me that sex was dirty and shameful. Do you have advice how to change my early beliefs and trauma around my sexuality?” - Tired of the Shame