What exactly happens in the Discovery Session?

The Discovery Session is a 60 minutes video call on Zoom - free of charge to you.

We talk about what is going on in your life, what you desire to create, and what may be standing in your way. We explore how I could help support you, and if we are good fit to work together.

If the answer is “yes” for us both, then we can talk about the coaching packages I offer, session format, accountability and support between sessions, and payment options available.

If it's a "no" - I can offer you other resources that may be supportive to you.

A key part of our Discovery Call will be to help you find a clear YES or NO to doing this work at this time, and feeling ready to invest in yourself mind/body/spirit & financially at this level. Many people experience fear or resistance saying YES to themselves, and I am here to help you find what is truly in your highest good.

There is no pressure and no obligation!

How should I prepare for my online coaching session or Discovery Call?

For your call with me, you will need:

1. Good internet connection. High speed wifi is preferable for video chat. A laptop is best, or a phone w/ tripod holder & headset/earbuds in case you need it for clear audio

2. Privacy This is IMPORTANT! Safety and privacy is the foundation of this work we will do together. So I suggest a place where you feel comfortable to speak freely, feel safe, make noise (sometimes loud!) be undisturbed, and be comfortable. This will also include ability to lie on the floor, bed, or cushions for certain exercises. There will be no nudity or overt sexual/erotic content in the session or expectation of nudity/overt sexuality in any of our sessions.

3. Zoom I will ask you to download Zoom- free video chat software that also enables you to record the session if you desire. You will receive a private Zoom link in your Discovery Call or session email.

Once you are a client, you may need a few things for our sessions.

4. Accessories to have on hand for our practices:

  • Pillows (at least 4) big enough to sit upon and be comfortable
  • a yoga mat or couch or bed to lie down for certain practices.
  • a blanket
  • enough floor space to move freely

Do you offer individual sessions, or just packages? How does coaching with you work?

A: My favorite way to work with my clients is 1:1 individual session or 1:2 couples packages. These packages include 10-12 75 minute zoom sessions over 6 months duration. So- approximately one session every two weeks. I have found this duration of time and consistency is optimal to help shift deep habits & old beliefs that you are ready to upgrade, and really ground into a new experience in your mind and body as you are fully supported in this container with me!

In addition to the sessions in your package you will have designed-for-you “home-plays”, meditations, mindset and embodiment practices that I will offer you to do between sessions. I also provide text and email support as well as crucial accountability tracking to make sure you are reaching your goals and desires with clarity. This creates continuity between our times together to keep you motivated and accountable to the process.

What is the time commitment for coaching with you?

In general, plan for two 75 minute sessions a month plus some buffer time after the session for integration. I suggest you give 15-30 minutes after our call so you can rest and absorb the session, or journal afterwards. If you prefer, we can also do more or less sessions per month- to account for holidays, or if you desire more frequent meetings or some extra days to integrate big shifts.

Besides the 1:1 sessions, you will need some time for practices, homeplay and meditations each week. These “home-plays” between sessions support the greatest impact and profound change. For most people this is manageable, even with a busy schedule. I suggest you set aside 5-15 minutes a day (5 days a week) for practices/meditations, with some occasionally more time-intensive home-plays. I will offer you accountability, and we will make sure to design the sessions and the extra practices to fit your time capacity.

It is very true that most people are "ready and willing" for coaching when life gets super intense, painful, or a situation is no longer tenable. There is no perfect time. NOW is alwasy the best time to start.

As we navigate your goals and desires in our work together, you will create deeper stability and clarity, and learn to powerfully connect and resource your inner wisdom and guidance

In truth, self-development work may be the most important and rewarding time investment you make. I have found that frequent, smaller time commitments (like 5-10 minutes a day) create momentum - and often creates MORE spaciousness by nourishing us in ways that increases overall energy levels and vitality. Consistency is more important than quantity of time spent!

Do I need previous experience to do this coaching?

No experience is necessary. However, there are important things that will make our coaching relationship successful.

1. Do we have chemistry together? That means a level of affinity, ease of communication, and sense of possibility together. This will support us in creating a safe and connected coaching container to help you achieve your desires and goals. We will determine this in the Discovery Call.

2. Are you ready/able to invest in coaching? This means that your economic/food/shelter needs are covered, so you are not in survival mode. The less stress you are under with basic survival concerns, the more receptive you will become to change. Even when it is a stretch, making a financial commitment to empower your healing helps your subconscious know that you are serious about this. You will not regret investing in your personal growth and happiness, but it really helps to have your basic needs covered first.

3. Can you commit to the coaching container? This means actively engaging in the practices and home-play I offer and utilizing my support between sessions. You can do this imperfectly, and it is more about consistency than time quantity- and you WILL get what you need! I can and do offer accountability, support, and creative ways to work with resistance (its normal and expected), but I can’t do it for you! xoxo

4. Are you ready for this type of deep work? If you feel emotionally grounded and stable, and are ready to dive in with curiosity- that’s great! There is no need for perfection, but it is helpful if you have done self-development work like therapy/counseling/meditation/yoga or similar disciplines and have some self-awareness around your own patterns, gifts, and challenges.

While I am a coach who uses many therapeutic practices, I am not a therapist or psychologist. I am a trauma informed coach, but if you have serious trauma and have not received or currently receive therapy and support for the trauma, I believe it is in your best interest to do that first.

If you do have trauma and are receiving therapy, my coaching can be an incredibly empowering addition to your support network. We can discuss your particular situation/history together if you have any questions or concerns.

How much do you charge for coaching & what is included?

My current 6 month individual coaching package starts at $1600/€1350 per month for 6 months. I offer a pay-in-full discount, and payment plans. Rates vary because I offer coaching packages for Individuals, Couples, and a mix of Individual & Couples. I often customize packages to suit my clients specific needs and desires.

During our Discovery Call, we can discuss the coaching package & payment options that would fit your needs best!

6 Month Bespoke Support Includes:

  • (12) 75’ Zoom sessions
  • (3) 20’ SOS! support calls
  • Text/voice support between sessions
  • Accountability tracking & checkins
  • Homeplay ~ mindset & meditations, audio/video embodiment/pleasure/energy practices
  • private coaching folder w/ session notes, recorded practices & PDF resources
  • *record & keep your full session if desired

If you choose to work with me, our sessions together are a potent space of support, accountability, safety and transformation that you may have never experienced before in your life. Miracles & magic happens here! Making a financial commitment empowers your healing by letting your body/mind know that you are serious about this process.

To support this process, it is best to not be in "survival mode". The less stress you are under with basic concerns (food, rent, safety etc) the more receptive you may be to change. You will not regret investing in your personal growth and happiness, but it really helps to have your basic needs covered first. That said, I don’t see that financial or other constraints are limits to you having what you want. I see you as capable and deserving to be fully supported and I trust that you are capable of finding a way to make it work!

I see you as capable to step into the next level version of yourself, and I am in your corner all along the way!

As a coach, I am here to hold the vision for your greatness. I provide you with actionable tools and support in this crucial area that will impact every part of your present and future.

Is working online with a coach as good as working in person?

I totally understand this concern. In my past experience with therapists and other healing practitioners I had always done in-person sessions. Before I started giving and receiving coaching in this way, I was also skeptical.

I have come to realize that doing love, sex and relationship coaching in the online format is actually ideal.

First, these are very intimate topics to talk about, and because we are not in the same room it can feel easier to “open up” and be totally authentic and unselfconscious.

Second, doing sexuality work and intimacy practices in the comfort of your own home and bedroom - with total privacy and safety - is extremely helpful for your nervous system and cortical control to relax, open up, and receive the full benefit of the practices. With the video platform, we can always turn off the camera, or mute your sound so you have full privacy, while still being able to follow my instruction and guidance.

Third, in today’s busy world, scheduling a session at YOUR convenience without having to leave the comfort of your home, instead of having to take the time and energy to drive to some strange office is extremely helpful.

Fourth, no matter where you live in the world, you can access my expertise and guidance! You don’t have to live in a major city to enjoy world-class coaching (and neither do I). All you need is willingness, a good internet connection, and some privacy.

Fifth, the magic of human connection still exists and is communicated online. I have learned over and over, that the people that I resonate with, and work with online... also translates to that same sense of familiarity and compatibility when we finally meet in person. With the video, I am still able to SEE and HEAR what is arising for you so I can guide you, and that is all that matters.

I don’t live in the US, can I still work with you?

Absolutely! The beauty of doing this work online is that I am able to work with clients from around the world. I have an online scheduling system that clearly shows appointments available in your time zone. If you have problems finding a suitable time that works for your schedule, you can contact me and we can try to work something out.

Is sexuality a part of ALL your coaching? Do I have to talk about my sex life?

While I am a Love, Sex and Relationship coach, in our work together we may or may not work directly with your sexuality. It is only one aspect of the work we may do together. For some clients sexuality may be the focus, for others we will focus on life goals, self-love, communication or relationships with self and others. Any sexual exploration in normal sessions (after Discovery Call) will be guided by your personal goals, and focus on how your sexuality impacts your life as a WHOLE, and explore how that powerful life-force energy can become a source of empowerment for you as a thriving human being. While we may discuss your sexual history, current experiences and desires, and explore challenges around your sexuality, our connection will be a safe and professional relationship that is completely non-sexual and consensual. There is no nudity or overt sexual content in the Discovery Call or in any of my normal sessions unless we have previously agreed to this.

Is there nudity in the sessions?

There is no nudity or overt sexual content in the Discovery Call or in any of my normal sessions unless we have previously agreed to this. In the online zoom sessions you always have the option to turn off your video, or sound, or both if we are doing a pleasure practice or something where you want more privacy. All sessions are tailored to suit your personal comfort level.

What kind of privacy do I need for the sessions? I'm worried I'll be overheard...

As for privacy, I recommend that you have a safe, comfortable, quiet space, where you will not be disturbed-- with enough room to sit, move or lay down to do this work (that also has internet;) The ability to lock the door can be enough! It is true that some deep breathing, movement, and making sound can be an important part of this work (not always, but sometimes) If you are concerned about what other people will think if you are locking the door to do the sessions, and maybe making sounds when others are in the house or nearby, I have ways to navigate this and solve these issues. We can discuss any concerns you may have on the Discovery Call.

I have sexual trauma, should I work with you?

I am a rape survivor, so I know what it is like to live with sexual trauma. In my experience, it is best if you have received professional therapy from a trauma-trained therapist or somatic psychologist before you do this work. If you have already received therapy in the past, and would like to explore different modalities of healing, I am more than happy to discuss this with you. Together we can determine if we would be a good fit to support your healing journey.

If you are currently seeing a therapist or counselor, doing this additional sexuality work can be incredibly powerful and therapeutic. It is true that many therapists don’t have the specific sexuality training that I do, nor the tools to shift the wound of sexual trauma into a journey of sexual reclamation- using gentle pleasure tools to reclaim your sexual wholeness. If this sounds like what you desire, I would be thrilled to discuss working together!

If you do not currently have a therapist or professional support around your trauma, I am happy to offer your references and guide you to the help you deserve to receive! No one should suffer with trauma alone. There is no shame in needing support. I also have tons of trauma-informed resources to offer you if you would like more information.

Do you work with both men and women and the LGBTQ+ community? Or children?

I am a CIS, straight, white woman so that is the life experience I bring. I enjoy working with adults of all genders and sexual orientations- individuals and couples. I do not work with children or teens at this time, but I do have some resources to offer you.

Do you work with couples? My partner isn’t interested, is there still benefit?

A: Yes, I love working with couples! Depending on what your goals are in your relationship, we can design a coaching structure to support your growth together. This may look like individual sessions where you are not being coached at the same time, spaced out with couples session with both of you- to reintegrate what you have learned and go deeper together. I also coach couples together in the same session, but usually these sessions are longer (90-120 minutes) and are a different package rate/structure. I design these packages based on your goals together.

It is often the case that I will coach one person in the couple who desires more support or has more interest in this work. I also have super juicy couples practices that can be learned individually, but shared together outside of the session. It is my experience that the positive impacts of this coaching will be enjoyed in the entire relationship, even though only one person is directly receiving the coaching. I don’t mean that you will start coaching your partner! That is never a good idea. I mean that the shifts and changes YOU receive from the coaching will translate into your relationship, often without you having to DO anything. When you transform and heal internally, this will be reflected in your relationships with others.

How can this coaching help my if I'm single?

A: I have found that the times when I have been single (which was most of my sexual healing journey) have been incredibly powerful focusing on my own sexual growth! This is the ideal time to really learn about your body, build self-love and acceptance, discover turn-ons, get clear about challenges, and expand and explore your capacity for pleasure without the added pressure of a partner and their desires and needs. This is a wonderful time to work with pain, old trauma, or sexual shut down in a safe and slow way, and really create new healthy patterns in the body and mind. I have also found this to be the ideal time to get crystal clear about what you desire to create in your sexuality and future relationships- and work out childhood wounds or family patterns that may be holding you back.

Also, if you are dating, coaching can be a wonderful support to increase your magnetism and sexual attraction, learn deeper and more authentic ways of connecting, and practice fresh ways of relating with new partners, including healthy consent and boundaries. This can make a tremendous shift in the way you are communicating and interacting with romantic interests, and help support you in creating (and nurturing) your desired relationship! I know 100% that doing this work has enabled me to create and sustain the most magnificent, healthy, and sexually delicious relationship of my life- with an incredibly committed, loving, and kind man!

Do you have a refund policy?

A: If you choose to work with me, I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Because I choose my clients carefully through screening (the purpose of the Discovery Call), and only work with people I resonate with, I am confident that our coaching relationship will be mutually satisfactory and beneficial. However, if you are not satisfied after the first two sessions are completed, (but before the third session) I offer a full refund for all unused coaching sessions. This, of course, is with the agreement that you will commit to the exercises, meditations and “home-play” that I will offer you after each session. If you are applying yourself to the work and the practices and still feel you are not resonating with the work we are doing together, I will refund you for all sessions that you have not completed. Most coaches do not offer this, but I am confident in the quality of work I do, and I feel it is in my integrity to do so.